FEBRUARY 10, 2024

Still very tired! Deeply tired, exhausted to the bone. The semester is going well so far, though it's looking like I'm going to be devastatingly single for Valentine's Day again this year. If there's any beautiful and potentially feminine older men that want to sweep me off of my feet, please come get me. Made some Lunar New Year trinkets with my roommates, had a nice time. Avoiding phone calls and marinating in existential guilt is less fun, but I can feel people's words affecting me less. I'm trying to remember that I'm my own person, and that I need to start living my own life. I'm trying to write little entries on here more regularly, but I'm either busy, or lazy. Trying to start making book vlogs, which is pretty fun. Seeing excel sheets of book trackers has excited me a lot (I LOVE excel sheets. I LOVE making and using spreadsheets. LORD ABOVE!), which is quite the motivator. I love spreadsheets. I'm also downloading books on my new Kindle that I finally managed to charge. Excited!

As I'm writing this, I just found out I accidentally subscribed for a year of Codecademy on accident. Not very pleased! That is a lot of money that I thought was billed monthy! Devastating blow to my ego! It's 5:27 AM, and I'm going to sleep.